Links to Web pages
by or about Hunsberger family members

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The Hundsperg Parchment Dated 1452 The Hundsperg Seal, Annotated for Clarity
Hundspergs in Switzerland Before the Emigration - A Document from 1452.
Robert Hunsperger of Kent, England visited Switzerland in 2006, and found a remarkable parchment dated 1452, with a seal bearing the name "Hundsperg". Is this an ancestor of our family in America?

Robert also reports "I have a list of all 100+ bearers of the name Hunsperger who appear in the Swiss telephone directory but there is only one Hunsberger. My intention is to write to them asking if they have any information on the family tree." Click here to see this page and photos.
The Hunsberger Store in Souderton, PA A Land Transfer Document
Early Hunsbergers in Pennsylvania: the Mennonite Heritage Center Web Site.
The Mennonite Heritage Center has an extensive Web site featuring articles about early Mennonite families in Pennsyvlania. One such article, written by Forrest Moyer in 2017, talks about the original Hunsberger brothers who immigrated from Switzerland in the early 1700s, and their families, and their relationship to the early Mennonite Church in the US.

Click here to see this page.
Krauchtal, Switzerland

P. Glenn Moyer's Page

P. Glenn Moyer describes growing up in Souderton, PA, in the Hunsberger heartland, and offers pictures including the one at left of a 1977 trip to Switzerland, tracing family roots.

Click here to see this page and photos.
Abraham Hunsberger and Brothers
Abraham Hunsberger and Descendants - A Genealogical Web Site

Phyllis Knerl Miller of Houston, TX has created a terrific Web site (click here) for the extended family of Abraham Hunsberger (1868-1914) who lived in Nebraska. She writes: "My mother's maiden name was Hunsberger ... I plan to put a large photo album of the family's early years on the site ... [I] have quite a bit of information that people might find interesting." Phyllis can be contacted at
The Hunsberger Family Association:
About the Association and especially the family genealogy project -- we have a 3-volume family book! Also visit the Annual Reunion Page.
Personal Record Form
Use this form to add to or update information in the Family Association's records.

The Hunsberger Family Crest
conceived by Byron K. Hunsberger, first Family Historian.

The First Hunsberger Farms in America -- a map from the family book.

The Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online
describes the background of the Hunsberger name, and documents early Hunsbergers in the Mennonite Church. A bibliography reference credits Byron K. Hunsberger's early writings on our family's history.

A Web site called "PlacesNamed.Com" states that Hunsberger is the 17,297th most popular last name (surname) in the United States; Huntsberger is 40,417th, and Hunsperger is 71,803rd.

has a "Genforum" Web site with messages by family name. Here is the Hunsberger family section. On a recent visit to this site we found 96 messages! People use this site to post questions about ancestors and family history.
James R. Huntsberger Lafayette's Headquarters - a painting by J. R. Huntsberger

Painting in Oils for Over 50 Years.
James R. Huntsberger of Greenville, Delaware, has painted in oils since 1946. His paintings have won many prizes, and can be found in private and corporate collections internationally. Have a look at his great Web site at Here is a listing of upcoming art shows that will be exhibiting his works.
Evan Hunsberger
In 2001 Evan Hunsberger, an Eagle scout in Orange, California, began a service project that captured national headlines. Dedicated to his late grandfather, who was a WWII chaplain, this project is helping put an updated Devotional into the hands of a million US servicemen. In February, 2002, Evan addressed the national convention for the Methodist Church in Nashville, Tennessee, and received the Church's Good Samaratan Award, featuring Evan's project.

Donald A. Hunsberger
Donald A.Hunsberger runs a law office in Orange, California, specializing in estate and business planning. He is the father of Evan, at left.

Our own Ivy League College Varsity Quarterback! Steve Hunsberger was the starting quarterback for the Columbia University Lions in 2002. His exploits were recounted in numerous Ivy League news reports. Ivy League Sports elevated Steve to its "Ivy Honor Roll" for the week ending October 14, 2002.
Pink Lotus by Brian Hunsberger
Brian K Hunsberger of Montgomery County, PA is an artist who is deeply involved with photography. His Web site is currently inactive, but we will keep watching to see when he puts it back on the 'net.

Ruth P. Hunsberger wrote her Master's thesis many years ago on the way Sigmund Freud's ideas were first received in the United States. A few years ago she re-edited her thesis into a short paper, here. Ruth passed away in February, 2009, at age 97.

Paul Hunsberger of Bridgeton, NJ, was a broadcaster for a remarkable 70 years! 51 of those years were with radio station WSNJ-AM in southern New Jersey. He started broadcasting in 1937, and finally gave up the microphone in 2007. Here is an article from the New York times at the time of his retirement, about his WSNJ-AM radio program.

Mike Hunsberger lives in Madison, Wisconsin, and works as a computer systems administrator for the Wisconsin legislature. He grew up in Grand Rapids, MI, where some of his family went to Northview High on Hunsberger Avenue (see link at right). His current Web site is called "Vampire Tap"
Northview High School in Grand Rapids, Michigan is located at 4451 Hunsberger Avenue, NE. The Avenue was named after Cyrus Hunsberger, a farmer in the area and great-grandfather of Mike Hunsberger (link at left).

Ellen Hume's Web Site
-- Ellen writes and teaches about journalism and the media. She lives in Budapest where she is an Annenberg Fellow in Civic Media at the Center for Media and Communication Studies at Central European University. Her earlier chapters include three years in Prague, where her husband John Shattuck served as US Ambassador to the Czech Republic.

Mary Hunsberger of Traverse City, Michigan, had a very attractive Web page not long ago describing her services as proofreader and copyeditor. The link is down -- we'll try to find a new one.

Alice Hunsberger received her doctorate in Middle East Languages and Cultures from Columbia University in 1992, specialising in Persian and Arabic literatures. She has taught courses dealing with aspects of Islam at various universities in Iran and the USA. Alice speaks fluent Persian, and lectures internationally.

David Peter Hunsberger is another gifted Hunsberger artist from the Waterloo area of Ontario, Canada. He specializes in serigraphs (color silk screen prints). His work is widely exhibited.

Dr. Margaret Hunsberger was recently an associate professor at the University of Calgary. Her research interests included literacy development and understanding the experience of reading and writing. The latest University directory no longer lists her, so she may have retired or moved to a new job. We'll keep looking for a new Web site for her.

Did you know there is a Hunsberger Elementary School
-- in Reno Nevada?!

Luke Hunsberger -- is an associate professor of computer science at Vassar College. Previously he taught math and computer science at Harvard College.

Sally Hunsberger
holds a PhD in Astronomy from Penn State, and was recently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. Her photos of celestial objects appear on many Web sites, such as this one maintained by Penn State's astronomy department. Sally obtained the image at left using the 60-inch telescope at Palomar Observatory.

Robert Hunsberger is one of at least two Hunsbergers who work as realtors in the Kitchener-Waterloo area of Ontario, Canada. Robert is a sales representative for Peter Benninger Realty, affiliated with Coldwell Banker.

Merrill Hunsberger is also a realtor in the Kitchener-Waterloo area of Ontario. Merrill has formed his own firm, Hunsberger Realty Ltd., and
Merrill's Web site
features his ability to speak Mandarin Chinese!

A Swiss athlete, Remo Hunsberger , used to show up in Swiss news reports from time to time. The sport is schwingen, a kind of wrestling. He finished third in a competition on April 1, 2001, documented at this Swiss Web site. Searching the Swiss schwingen pages one finds Remo's name is sometimes spelled as Hunsperger. Another Web site lists the winners of matches in the 1960s and 1970s, and gives the name Rudolf Hunsperger three times. Perhaps this is Remo by another name? Next time one of us gets to Switzerland we should look him up and sort this out!

David H. Hunsberger's Microsoft Project Page. David, who serves as Webmaster for this site, offers consulting services and instruction in all recent versions of Microsoft Project. Here is a link to his resume.

Phill Hunsberger's 1996 Trip to Nepal
Peter H. Hunsberger is a Licensed Psychologist in Seattle. His specialties are grief and loss, and couple and family therapy. He holds the highest level of certification awarded by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.

Scott Hunsberger's Page
-- Nice biplane

Laura's Hope is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping cancer patients who face extended hospital stays. It was set up by Keith Meeker and Scott Hunsberger on behalf of Scott's wife Laura.

According to the University of Rochester Web site, "Donald Hunsberger is one of the world’s foremost authorities on conducting, orchestration, and music literature." Donald appears in more Web searches than any other Hunsberger! Some of the many Web sites that feature him and his work include these: A, B, C.

Another musical Hunsberger is Jay Hunsberger. He is Professor of Tuba and Euphonium at the University Of South Florida in Tampa and is principal tubist with the Sarasota Orchestra and the Sarasota Brass Quintet.

Bruce and Vickie Hunsberger, in Nappanee, Indiana, were the innkeepers at The Victorian Guest House. This Web page now lists a new innkeeper. If Bruce and Vickie turn up at a new location we'll post it here.

Brent Hunsberger
covers personal finance and writes the "It's Only Money" column in The Sunday Oregonian. Since joining the paper in 1996, he has covered business, the environment and growth. He previously worked at The Albuquerque Tribune. He grew up in northern New Mexico and graduated from Indiana University with bachelor's degrees in journalism and sociology.

Hal Hunsberger and his son Rod operate Gate Way Holsteins in Ohio, one of the state’s top herds. Here is a 2005 article on the Farm and Dairy web site that says alot about operating a dairy farm, and mentions the Hunsberger Dairy along the way.

The Goshen College Art Department has a Web page featuring a painting, "Mandy in Haiti", done in acrylic by Susan Graber Hunsberger, class of 1986.

Peter David Hunsberger of Ontario, Canada, is now living in Tennessee. He has put together a Web page about his family.

A few years ago Gerald Hunsberger, was a missionary serving as a teacher in Espanola, New Mexico. The Global Ministries page of the United Methodist Church Web site now reports that he is on leave of absence.

Fred Hunsberger is another gifted photographer based in the Waterloo, Ontario area. His web site shows a great range of professional work ranging from portraits to photos of theater productions to home interiors. Check out his blog.

Jessica Hunsberger
teaches 7th grade at Sleepy Hollow Middle School, in New York State. The School's "then-and-now" Web pages show Jessica today (at left) and as a 7th grader (at right).

William W. Hunsberger was president and publisher of The Clarion-Ledger in Jackson, Miss. up to his death in June, 2004. Here is an obituary published in the Cincinnati Enquirer, where he had previously been Vice President of Circulation.

Japan's Quest: The Search for International Role, Recognition, and Respect
-- a book edited by Warren S. Hunsberger

Freshman Megan Hunsberger came off the bench to score the winning goal in a key game, as the Syracuse women's soccer team beat rival Villanova 1-0 last September, 2011. And she is only a freshman! Go Megan!

Matthew Hunsberger works at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Va., and sings bass with a group called Sons of the Day. He and his three brothers and two sisters grew up on a dairy farm in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.
The image at left joined this links page in early 1999, at which time we called Travis Hunsberger a "Digital artist and skilled skateboarder". Well, time marches on, and now he has his own graphics design company in Telford, PA, called The Profile Image!
George R. Hunsberger
- Author; Professor of Missiology and Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Western Theological Seminary

John and Pam Hunsberger
live in Wake Forest, NC. They have a family Web site here.

is in Williamsport, PA.

Robert Hunsperger --
- Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Delaware. See also the next link at right ------

Robert and Elizabeth Hunsperger's Home Page
- Elizabeth sculpts in clay and creates computer art
Paul and Peggy Hunsberger
have a great Web site called "" with super astronomical photos. He is an engineering consultant, and she is Principal of St. Louis School in Owensville, OH.

Bruce Hunsberger was a Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. He died of leukemia in October, 2003. Many of his articles and publications can be found on the Web, especially those dealing with religion. Here is a eulogy that talks about Bruce's life and work.

Lorne Hunsberger, CPA
-- "The Number Doctor" in Tampa, Florida

Mike "Goose" Hunsberger
...being commissioned into the Air Force as a second lieutenant.

Jonathan Roy Hunsberger
-- Poetry.

(This Web page is a bit hard to view, with special mouse-over effects... Try his brother's, at right...)

J. Marcus Hunsberger. , His Clemson site is no longer working, but here is a poetry site he maintains. He is the younger brother of Jonathan, whose Web site appears at left.
Chad Hunsberger is a "steel metalwork artist" whose very artful creations were featured on PurplePickle.Com's Web site. That site has been discontinued, and we are hoping Chad's work will appear on a new site soon. In the mean time Chad has graduated from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is Minister of Recreation at McElwain Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. Charles W. Rockett, of San Marcos, California, is a Hunsberger descendent, interested in genealogy. He helped compile the "35 line" in our Hunsberger book, and is recognized for his assistance on page 888 of the book. (The image at left is copyrighted by FamilyTreeMaker.)
Ivan Histand is a Hunsberger descendant -- his grandparents were Earl Jr and Ruth Hunsberger. Ivan works for AOL as a software engineer. He is building a Web site for the Histand family. The link is currently broken, but we will put it back when it is fixed!
Derek Hunsberger was the Democratic candidate in New Jersey's 2nd Congressional District elections in 1998. He got 31% of the vote. Here is a Wikipedia page showing his race.

James D. Hunsberger
, of Berlin, Germany, is concerned with the effects of radiation on humans, and filed papers with the US Department of Energy on this subject in 1995 and 1996.
Adrian G. B. Hunsberger coauthored a paper in 1997 entitled "Catolaccus Hunteri (Hymenoptera Pteromalidae), a Parasite of Anthonomus Macromalus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in South Florida".

Linda Honsberger
is a Certified Quilt Appraiser. She has a Web site (Note: The family records suggest that the "Honsberger" spelling began in the mid-1800s, with Abraham Richart Honsberger, 9th child of Abraham Hunsberger of Virginia.)

William A. Hunsberger
founded and runs Hunsberger Plumbing in Lutz, Florida, outside of Tampa.

Dr. Sally Hunsberger
works in the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis at the National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health, in Rockville, MD.

Melissa Hunsberger
works as a trainer and instructor at Windchase, an equestrian farm in Purcellville, VA.

Zeke Hunsberger,
whose home is in the Roanoke area of Virginia, is a member of the class of 2013 at West Point. He runs cross country and track, and also plays basketball and tennis.

Miles Hunsberger
is one of the tattoo artists at Steady Tattoo in Minneapolis, MN.

Travis K. Hunsberger
gave his life for his country in Afghanistan. A Green Beret, Travis was killed by an improvised explosive device on June 27, 2008 in Tarin Kowt, Afganistan, while on a reconnaissance mission. "Quilts of Honor - the Travis Project" was created in his home town of Wakarusa, IN, out of a desire to honor not only the memory of SSG Hunsberger, but to show honor and respect to the men and women he served with.
A Hume Family Genealogy
In 1903, Byron Keyser Hunsberger, who would later become the first Historian of the Hunsberger family, married Elizabeth Norris Hume. For all the Hunsberger family members who are descended from this marriage, and for any Humes who come across this site, a link is provided here to a history of the Hume family, prepared by John Chandler Hume, Jr., Professor of History and Dean of the College, Emeritus, Saint Mary's College. This impressive record is entitled "Descendants of George Home a Resident of E. Gordon Parish Berwickshire Scotland." It documents the Humes going back to 1651, in Scotland.

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This Web site is maintained by David H. Hunsberger.
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